My future job

Since I into to my career I thinked work out of an office, an work that move me, where I continue learn, where I meet people and I can feel useful to my way. I really hope have in the future a job related to my career. But i don't have conviction if this can be possible. This because always all the people say, you really have work field?

And sure, But will be more difficult find an work because the anthropology isnt always an productivity carreer or useful for the market. But, I really hope will work something about my career. 

I would like work in something proyect or an organization that work current topics, always organizing the social colectives for example I would like work topics like gender, socio-environmental conflicts, migration, populars quarters, keeping in mind the opinion and the reality of the people. I LOVE DO ETNOGRAPHIES. But nobody pay for this ideas or work. 

A of my dreams is work with childs. I would like work like professor in rural school in sometime of my life. I feel that I can understand them and learn thogether. For this is an option for me, study pedagogy  in the future. I think that the child are complex and live in a worl difficult of understand , but devote time and urge is the key. Also if you can understand his senssibility they enjoy study not like an obligation.


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