Bad year, lazy semester
universitys's semester always is diferent one to one. This is my second
semester in the social mention in Anthropology career. Nevertheless, this not
have been my best semester or not be a semester of my liking.
In the commence this year I had subject very interesting, in special one
called "Construcción social de lo medio ambiental, ecología cultural y
perspectivas sistémicas" because this was a subject of theory
and I thik that this contributed much to my knowledge. But like I say this
semester, the second semester have been more lazy even I selected my subjects.
I feel that I have learned very little and the subject which I belived
interesting have contributed a few about his themes. For example I have a
subject called "Anthropology of feeding" when all the
reading are very bounded or very old. Neither the exercises are so
On the other hand it's ending year and yet I don't have marks, for
this I don't know how it has gone in anyone of my subject. All I want is to
finish this university year
I hate this semester!!!
Cheer up!!