Other places for learn in anthtopology

For know what is anthropology today exist very webpages that hand in information for learn and reseacher for oneself. A lot times in the class I don't find all the perspectives and topics about the anthropology. For this is important know how websites can help us. Some they are very nearvy. For example in facebook exist an page than her name is Arte y Antropología. In this page your can find a lot text by different authors with different perspectives and different topics.
Other webpage is CAF (Colectivo de antropólogas feministas), this is a blog tha was build by women anthropologist of nacionality Argentina. In this page you can know an feminist perspective about the disipline and the more important woman in anthropology. Also is a good look into and look for about the videos (even in youtube, for example) than different professors or academics have uploaded into the web. They are about conference, congress, seminary or his self class. 

An last advice is always search yours text and university article (that every time are obstruct) in pages like google scholar or sci.hub, they are big friends of our.  
*This my advice but in my opinion the learning not stay in the class, in the professors or only in the text. 


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