
Biodata- 1. Academic Biography

Valentina Herrera Quijanes is a Social Anthropology graduate by Universidad de Chile in the year 2021. Her principal studies are about the territorial problems where the social conflicts were between the local residents, principally in rural zone, and state industry or private industry. Inclusive, her dissertation was about this topic, making a connection with social problems respect to the ages and old age, specifically the event in sacrifice zones in their country. Her studies contributed in the progressive extraction of the industry in the zones, issue that improves the situation like improve the health levels and the most important the territorial recovery. This is her most important achievement. Her interest of studies was always of a character more pragmatic, working actively with communitys that in general see their reality confront with the effects of the neoliberalism. For this motive she left the academy, and they aren’t her principal area of interest. But she ...

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English Study Challenges

For me learn english to has been very difficult, not write rather read it and speak it. The pronunciation is the more difficult for me, but I think that for write I just need to know more words. In this case the english levels what I did a studied in the university was good for write, the practice in the blog helped me. But lack more practice in the conversation, in the speaking, and in help in the read the long texts. But for me part I'm in that trying to learn. This year my penultimate level was good, and the miss was wonderful because not was strict and he gave us our time, also that helped us to have confidence and not be shameful. I believe that the learn have that be in the confidence and not in the difference. I don't Know that pedagogic form or methodology form would can be the best for learn english but definitely i don't have a great new learning of the english in the university. Not for the professors this is for the system in that this imparted. Is ver...

Changes to my study program

When I entered to university I thinked "this not is for me". In the school always I had been a good level and learn never resulted difficult for me. But my first year of university was very hard. These I believe that is the first fail of my career. The professors begin their class like if all the students had been the same level educational, with lot technicalities, a lot arrogance. I remember that I taked a year and half in understand and join that they said. Never I readed and listened to nameds like Marcel Mauss, Franz Boas, etc. And nobody (even professors) introduced anything. That was like if all had an idea about what is really the anthropology. That would be the first change that I’d do, an educational more pedagogical, where all can participed without shame to blunder. I talk of knowledge and learning horizontal. My second idea for to change in my career if about something that I said. The names of the "fathers of theory" always are since the male word and ...

Summer holidays

Since that travel out of chile my enthusiasm for know places growed and the fear since there in forward has decreased. Summer holidays always is the moment for me, for escape of the rutine, of the norm and, I has did all for can continue travel each summer. Like I haven't big responsabilities can to do. Year ago I went to Perú and Bolivia was the first step to travel solitary or without my family. I Hope know other places like Ecuador and I have in my memory in the future a lot good memories. My plan is continue travel anywhere. For this I want work during year o anywhen but always have a respite. I consider the summer but I'm stay very chilly and I love the summer and sun, and heat. But the summer not always is in the same date in all the worl. This is an a anvantage. My travels aren't like turist, always are with few money, backpacking or boughting to low prices. My stile is the aventure with good company, be "aperrados". Nothing wealthin. I have lucky a...


I take this opportunity for be myself. I love the pictures if I like me how I see myself. I'm Zodiac Leo and everyone says that we are conceited or narcissistic and this is real. Jajajaja I'm Joking, Im sorry Now yes. This is a great opportunity for say that I thinks about self-photos. I think that the selfies are a reflex of how we are, for we stop, and we look in of ourselves. Is shameful and always we chooise the best picture, the picture that show an image that the rest positive value. I always take selfies photos but never upload all in the web. Today I looked a video where an Orangutan take photos to self, he looks self and see how is he self with a lot interest. This I seem beautiful, the interest for our self, for our face, our nose, our eyes, our hands, for know better each and broke the insecurities and the social anxiety. I believe that all body are beautiful and we duty that know ourselves and value ourselves before that the rest also broke the stereotypes and t...